It is said that one’s mood while cooking, gets translated into the food that is cooked. If cooked in a happy, positive mood, the food turns out tasty, and if cooked in an angry or negative mood, it is not so good. So do emotions or energies get transferred? If so, how?
The answer lies in water! Most of us would have witnessed, either first hand, or in films, television or pictorial representations, spiritual purification through the sprinkling of holy water by priests. This could be seen in Hindu rituals or temples after the main prayer gets over, or in Churches, or even in exorcisms. Likewise, sages are seen to convey curses by chanting them into a fistful of water before sprinkling it onto the recipient.
In fact, it has been proven by Dr. Masaru Emoto[1], a Japanese author and researcher that water has the ability to absorb energy. He conducted research on the effects of different energies and thoughts on water. In the 1990’s, Dr. Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. His findings discovered that human energy and consciousness affect water’s molecular structure.
Dr. Emoto froze droplets of water and examined them under a dark field microscope using Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology and high-speed photography. He discovered that the crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when concentrated thoughts are directed toward them.
He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to positive words, thoughts and intention displayed beautiful crystals after it was frozen.
On the other hand, polluted water or water exposed to negative words and thoughts formed incomplete, asymmetrical patterns.
Water and music
Dr. Emoto extended his experiments to observe the response of water crystals to music. In order to check this, he kept bottles of water between two speakers and turned on different pieces of music for several hours; after this, the water was frozen and photographed.
When classical music, like Mozart’s 40th Symphony or Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, were played, the water displayed beautiful and well-formed elegant crystals when frozen.
However, when heavy metal rock music was played, the water crystals appeared fragmented and malformed, upon freezing.
The images of the water crystals clearly show the effect of thoughts and emotions on water.[2]
Water and healing
Undoubtedly, water is powerful; it has to be asserted that water is a natural extension of the spiritual and is susceptible to vibrations. Therefore, its remedial vibrations can be an essential ingredient of healing and therapy. Constitutes 70% of the human body, water is one of the best mediums for transmitting energy around our bodies. Therefore, water can be used intentionally to transfer energy and messages to DNA constituents.
Ricardo Gil-da-Costa, a neuroscientist who has studied how water affects our brain, states that participating in water activities can help us enter a “flow state”, which apparently calms our mind’s internal state.
Neuroscientists say that spending time near water, be it in the form of oceans, lakes, ponds, even small fountains, can be beneficial; it is supposed to reduce anxiety, ease mental stress and fatigue and rejuvenate us. Environmental psychologists say that water has special properties that may boost nature’s positive impact. When near water, there is often less visual and auditory information for the mind to process due to which it can be at rest. Apart from this, the dynamic, rhythmic motion of water catches one’s attention through what researchers term as “soft attraction”. It gives the mind a break from focused and taxing attention to daily activities. According to Mark Berkman, “Water helps to expand the mind in a positive way; that’s why it’s so relaxing”[3].
The spiritual, cultural, healing and recreational qualities of water add to its value and worth, making it a more precious resource than we believe. Therefore, all efforts should be made not only to protect and conserve existing resources, but also generate novel sources of water.
References: [1] [2] [3]